Sedation Dentistry: The use of Laughing Gas & Oxygen for Sedation
The calming inhalant known as laughing gas is for patients who are mildly or moderately anxious or nervous. It eases their anxieties so that they can relax and undergo treatment comfortably and safely. The gas is administered by placing a small hood over the patient's nose. As the gas takes effect, the patient becomes relaxed, but is still awake and can communicate. When the gas is turned off, the effects of sedation wear off almost immediately.
Oral Sedation
Patients who are more anxious may need an oral medication that is stronger than nitrous oxide. With oral sedation, the patient may be sleepy but can be aroused and will respond to simple commands. Minor side effects such as nausea or vomiting can occur with some medications. Before a visit in which a patient is to receive oral sedation, he/she will receive instructions about eating and drinking, what to expect and what to watch for after treatment. You will need assistance to get home after sedation.
Will my vital signs be monitored during and after treatment?
At Heartland Endodontics & Periodontics, one of our highly trained surgical assistants will be monitoring your vitals continuously throughout the entirety of your procedure.
I had an awesome visit with you guys. You all did an awesome job, made me feel comfortable and had no pain at all. Staff is super nice and always looking for the patient’s safety and comfort. Thanks a lot for all you guys did.
Jose L.